(EST. 2009) I see life in an abstract, slanted way. This blog was made to try and display that point of view to the people who don't know me, or those who know me more than I know myself. The blog title came from a combo of "This is What I Call Her" By Lil'Wayne, the constant smell of reefer on some of my close friends, and of course my last name [don't forget the "E"]. I'm high off of life, this blog is my blunt and I'm passing it too you. Inhale until you feel you've had too much GREENE.


Give me the GREENE light

Last Thursday, Harkness Hall, my freshman dorm, had an open house. This was something everyone has been looking forward to, because this is the closest thing to dorm visitation that we've had thus far. It was fun while it lasted.


1 comment:

  1. YO that shit look like it popped bro!
    - Ralph


My photo
Philadelphia, Pa, United States