That's all I have to say. No cliché story about how I failed a math test this morning, or how I have to come in early tomorrow for class. Because more than likely, you feel me completely.
On the flipside of thangs. Here are some of my thoughts from today:

Let this picture speak to you. A reoccuring theme in my life. (&Naaaw, I didn't do this...)

I complain about the cold now, but when it's 95 degrees outside this summer, and global warming is in full effect. This will be a first thought.

I bangs with this cd... a part of my quest to branch out into different genres. I love the girls voice, I swore it was auto-tunes or some shit...


What is really good? I like Louisville right now... get your brackets together and come put your money up. ;)
oyeah... by the way...

kenny!! go to morehouse .. even though hampton is a great school there is nothing like morehouse and being in atlanta over hampton VA is completely worth it!!