Day N' Nite [insert sound]
Cool hats and tee's made by Sean's sister... Ask Sean about them if your interested in buying
[The Oaklane Diner. Grew up in this place, usually on Sunday's after church. I wonder if the Hot turkey platter I used to get is still the same... I need to get in there to see how everthing changed.]
[LL K PEL is hard as hell.]
[My Philly skyline obsession cont.]
[Cadillac is making moves. Lol]
[Masterman's Senior Drama class held it down in at the Suzanna Roberts Theatre.
iPhone's need a zoom button... Or is there one that I'm just not aware of? I got in trouble for having my phone out lol.]
[Step your game up Popeye's... Oh wait, what does that sign say?]
[This was before the chicken frenzy was declared finished.
Tell me why the only place you couldn't use the free chicken coupons was the gallery... Actually don't tell me, because I already know. Free chicken and the gallery don't mix. Oprah just proved that its not a stereotype... Lol.]
[Before the private lessons, this is where we got good. Saturday was a great day to practice so me and Dav took advantage at Sturgis playground. (BTW, if anyone needs a DJ, hit up DJ Dav. He's major on the ones and twooos!)]
[Taney Playground]
[You gotta love the laid back rides home where no ones talking because the music that your listening to needs no interruptions.]
What up Hampton U?
greene, greene, greene.
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